Mastering 3D Computer Vision & Point Cloud Processing-Mod 0-Intro
🚀 Exciting Announcement! 🚀
As a seasoned professional in Computer Vision, Machine learning, and AI, I’ve navigated through the fascinating world of 2D applications such as face recognition, advanced driver assistance, content-based image retrieval, image inpainting, surveillance, object detection, medical imaging, video analytics… The journey was smooth and enriched by a plethora of resources — comprehensive books, lecture notes, hands-on guides, invaluable tips from Stack Overflow, and other insightful forums .
However, when I ventured into the realm of 3D Computer Vision Projects, I found the landscape quite different. The lack of structured courses, hands-on guides, and forum tips was noticeable. The path to success involved studying algorithms, understanding them, and coding these algorithms, often through a process of more of self learning, exploration and continuous refinement.
This experience led me to a thought,
1. why not create a series of blogs where I could explain well-known 3D point cloud processing algorithms/techniques? and
2. why not provide ready-to-use code to help readers learn and apply these techniques to their own projects?
So, get ready! I’m about to equip you with a series of blogs on 🚀3D Computer Vision & Point Cloud Processing🚀. In these blogs, I’ll demystify 3D computer vision & Point Cloud Processing techniques, providing ready-to-use code for your projects. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, these blogs will be your go-to resource.
In this exciting series of blogs, 80% of the content will be based on topics I’ve meticulously planned. The remaining 20% will be a special treat — blogs crafted based on your intriguing topic suggestions.
Stay tuned! Don’t miss out!
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